Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blog #50: In my last blog I read the first couple chapters of "The 5 People You Meet in Heaven", by Mitch Albom. Today, I'm reading the beginning of another book by Mitch Albom, entitled "Tuesdays with Morrie". It's the story of a man and his dying college professor reuniting for the last time. Morrie is the name of the professor. Morrie has a disease called Lou Gehrig's disease. It's an illness of the neurological system; it gradually melts your nerves away so you can't move. My mom's cousin had this disease. I always remember seeing her in a special wheel chair. She passed away a couple of years ago. In the book it says that it takes no more than five years from the day you've been diagnosed to become completely trapped inside your body. This reminds me of a video we watched in class. The movie was called "The Diving Bell and Butterfly". I think it's similar because, in both cases, you're fully conscious, yet unable to move a finger. Morrie's college student comes to visit him while he's dying. During those visits Morrie and Mitch talk about life lessons, family, love, and death. Since Morrie knows he's dying he wants to make something out of it, impact someone else's life. This is a great story that teaches us to not take things for granted and to live life to the fullest.

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