Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Blog #49: Today, I'm going to blog about a book entitled, "The Five People You Meet in Heaven", by Mitch Albom. The story starts out with the main character Eddie, who is elderly. He works at an amusement park. He remembers when he was younger and rode the rides at the amusement park. Then, he sees a ride breaking down. A piece of it starts to fall and Eddie realizes that there is a young girl just below where the ride is going to hit. At the last minute Eddie lunges towards her, trying to push her out of the way. The next thing he knows, everybody is gone and there's this purplish tint to things. He realizes he's dead. To me Eddie seems to think little of himself. But, if your willing to jump under a falling chunk of metal for some stranger girl, you're one heck of a person. You could say that Eddie wasn't doing much because he was at the end of his life anyway, but I still think it takes a really caring person to do what he did. Because Eddie died he doesn't know if he saved the little girl or not. I haven't gotten that far into the book, but I'm predicting that he'll see her in heaven. That's what I read for outside reading for today.

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