I chose this artifact because it shows a great American musical hero doing what she does best. This contributed to the definition of a hero because it shows the charismatic stage presence that makes a musical hero.
I chose this artifact because it adds to the definition of a
hero by showing that being an American musical hero you need to be expressive when you are either singing, playing an instrument, or conducting.

This artifact helps the definition by showing how heroes always have a good attitude.
Another category for the artifacts was that two of them got to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
The two artifacts that fit in this category are (1)Johnny Cash and (2)Elvis Presley.


The picture of Elvis here adds to the definition of a hero by showing that a hero is looked up to (like having an idol).
In studying American musical heroes I now know that a hero can be either gender and that they are well-liked and looked up to. I have explained this with my artifacts above. I believe that these musical heroes have influenced many other musicians after them. This was my Heroes in a Box project.
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